The kids had a great time "playing" farm down at Todd's Grandparent's house! We had an interesting time riding in the wagon and watching sugar cane being pressed. I was also able to get some pictures of an old tobacco barn for my classroom. I thought that might make an interesting add-on to a lesson about farming one day, especially since most tobacco barns have been torn down.
Friday, we left Dothan and headed to my parent's house in Clanton. We had a great time. We were also able to snap an "official" Russell family picture! I think that is a pretty good looking group of people. I can't believe how many of us there are! It is really nice when we are all able to get together, we always find something to get into, especially my brothers.
We wanted to go down to Dothan to witness this next event with our own eyes, but we didn't make the trip. Lucky for us, Mrs. Pam was able to snap pictures of our very own Santa's Helper, Santa Ron!
We had a good Christmas and our family elf kept us busy! He didn't get into much trouble this year, but he did manage to roll our living room and wrap up our doorway with wrapping paper and the kids had to bust through!

Today is Savannah Brooke's 10th birthday! I can't believe that she is 10 years old today! She is a wonderful kid and everything that I wish that I was. She is smart beyond her years and talented in so many ways! I couldn't be prouder to be her mother! I can't believe how fast she is growing up, it seems just like yesterday, I found out that she was breach and that I was going to have to have a C-Section!

We went to my grandparents house for our annual Christmas dinner! It is always fun to get together with family that I don't get to see very often. We always play an entertaining game of "Dirty Santa"
Christmas afternoon we went to my parents house and as usual had a great time.
I love going "home," even though it is not actually my home (I have never lived there), there is just something about being home! I love to watch my kids interact with my parents and have my brothers give me such a hard time. I wish that it was easier for us get together more often!
Todd took me on my first hunting trip this past Saturday. I really had a good time. Believe it or not (I am not a big fan of outside!) I really want to go again. We only saw an old red fox, but it was still fun, until the sun went down and the hoot owls came out! It was kind of spooky.
This is a picture of us in the shooting house!
Today is Savannah Brooke's 10th birthday! I can't believe that she is 10 years old today! She is a wonderful kid and everything that I wish that I was. She is smart beyond her years and talented in so many ways! I couldn't be prouder to be her mother! I can't believe how fast she is growing up, it seems just like yesterday, I found out that she was breach and that I was going to have to have a C-Section!