Sunday, January 31, 2010

Birthday, Food, and Anniversary

Happy Birthday Brooks!!!

I got to spend the day with Brooks on Friday while Loren and Jennifer prepared for his first birthday party! I had a great time. Especially since I didn't have to share him with anyone! I am looking forward to him spending the night with us in a few weeks! We will have a blast!
Loren and Jennifer really outdid themselves on the party, but most parents do for the first party! I can't believe that he is a year old. It just doesn't seem like it has been a year! It was nice for our whole family to be together again. It was nice to have another family picture.
On a totally different note, Todd and I watched Food Inc. If you haven't watched it, I would recommend that you watch it, but don't eat meat before you do! Needless to say, we are changing the way that we eat around here. We are going to be buying locally and eating less meat, unless it is local and grass fed! I know that it may sound crazy, but Todd and I feel that it is what is best for our children. I want my kids to grow up healthy and if our food is full of ammonia and poisonous gases then we don't need it in our bodies! We are going to be planting a garden and all of our veggies will be organic! Maybe we are just jumping on the crazy bandwagon, but maybe we will be a little healthier!
On another different note, Todd and I will be celebrating our 14th anniversary tomorrow! WoW 14 years!! I am so glad to be married to my best friend and that we have come so far in the 14 years that we have been married! I look forward to many more!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Enitre Family Goes to School

Our entire family will be heading out to school tomorrow! Todd starts his internship at Prattville Intermediate, the kids go to school, and I start a new semester at AUM! It will be really nice to get into a new routine.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Back to a Routine, Almost

The kiddos went back to school today! It sure was hard to get up and get moving with it being so cold outside. I think that the kids were excited to get back to normal, our normal anyway. I know that I am! Todd has seminars for his internship on Thursday and Friday and we will all be back in school Monday.

Morgan said that there is word going around that they are considering closing school on Thursday because of the impending weather forecast of SNOW!! Todd doesn't understand why, but here in Alabama just the slight forecast of snow is a VERY BIG DEAL (we all have not lived in places where it snows every winter!) I remember when Morgan was a baby there were snow flurries outside and we went and woke her up so she could see them. Not knowing when we may ever see snow again, it was a BIG DEAL!

Well, we will see what Thursday and Friday's weather brings!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009--A Year in Review--long post!


We welcomed the New Year with our favorite friends and went to Sonic for some ice cream on a very cold night!!

We took Zach and Savannah to the Monster Truck show with some of our friends Brad and Christy. Morgan stayed with my parents. Zach seemed to enjoy it a little more than Savannah.

We welcomed my nephew Brooks Paul Russell at the end of January. He is so precious.


Todd and I celebrated our 13th anniversary. I took him to the driving range!!

We also celebrated Mardi Gras! We had King Cake and Savannah ended up with the piece of cake with the baby in it. She's gotta buy the King Cake this year!


It snowed the first of March! This little comedy routine landed us at Pri-Med later that evening!

It was fun to play in the snow!!

We went to watch my brother play baseball against Prattville Junior High School.

Zach went on a field trip to the Pretend Hospital.

The kids spent the night with Uncle Loren and Aunt Jennifer.

Todd and I went to the Auburn "A-Day" football game.

Zach played baseball and was chosen to receive several game balls throughout the season.
Zach celebrated his 7th birthday!
We went to Jose's to celebrate Zach and his baseball friend's birthday!
Zach's Field Day
Savannah's Awards Day
School's Out
Zach and Mrs. Wingo
Savannah and Mrs. Jackson.

Rainy summer day!
Hanging out with friends.
Zach's baseball party! He won the MVP trophy!

Kite flying!
Sunday afternoon slip 'n slide

Todd and I volunteered at the School of Education Luau! We were able to go to the Luau for working.

Summer Day at Wonder World Family Amusement Center

Todd playing with the kids after work one day.

Playing at the park and creek in Millbrook.


Playing at the Splash Pad in Montgomery.

Grilling out at the river.
Summer fun program at Bass Pro Shop
We learned to make homemade donuts.
Todd turned 33 in June. He was also laid off from his job on the same day!


Picnic at the Splash Pad

On our way to Orange Beach.
Zach after his first deep sea fishing trip
The Gang at the Beach
Zach and Todd went to the Lowe's build and grow program
Back yard camp-out!


Zach started football for the Prattville Youth Lions.

First day of school


Morgan's 13th birthday!

Morgan's birthday present--Tickets to the Taylor Swift concert

Aubie came to the Early Childhood Center where Todd was doing some intern work.


We went to Branford, FL to visit Todd's Grandparents.

Championship game for the PYL

My Family!


Our tree!

Savannah and her BFF Emily celebrating her 10th birthday!

Looking forward to a Happy 2010