Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Please keep my best little buddy Andrew in your prayers. He has been sick for about 3 weeks. The doctor seems to think that about 3 weeks ago he had a stomach virus, then he got an eye infection and was on a strong dose of antibiotics, which caused the symptoms of the stomach virus to seem to worsen, then he developed a yeast infection on his bottom (which was from the antibiotic), they then gave him a different medicine for that. Now because he has had so much of this and that, his little body just can't take anymore. Alicia has been taking him to the doctor just about every week. He lost 4 pounds in a week. We spent the day yesterday at the doctor's office and then getting him settled in the hospital.
When the doctor came around this morning she said that they were going to keep him one more night for sure and they would re-evaluate him then.
Please keep Andrew, Ben, Alicia, and Landon in your prayers.

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