Well, I just want to thank all of you for your prayers. I am extremely happy to report that Todd is back to work. They just got a big job and should have enough work to keep them busy for a while. I am glad because that was a little too stressful for me.
Well, the kids are out of school this week for Thanksgiving, so I am sure that we will be busy! We are planning to go to
Dothan for Thanksgiving. Todd is going to take Zach deer hunting for the first time. He is so excited. He has even made a count down chart. I am sure that will be the highlight of his Thanksgiving break.
I have finally finished my first observation for school. I had to put in 20 hours of observation and I finished Wednesday. I have gotten my paper turned in and I am waiting for my grade! I have a lot of work to catch up on during the break, but at least I will not have the pressure of a deadline. I cannot wait until the end of the semester. I need a nice long break!
I think that Todd feels the same way. Boy, is it easy to get burned out! I just keep trying to see a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. Next semester, Todd and I are taking all of our classes on Monday and Wednesday. I hope that by having days off during the week and a longer school weekend will help us stay on track. The only problem is that we both have late classes on Monday. We will not be home until around 8:00 on Monday night. I have a baby-sitter coming to stay with the kids until we get home.
Morgan had a field trip to Atlanta this past Thursday and I went with her. We had a good time. I had never been to the aquarium. I love fish and I wish that I could have
just sat there and watched them swim and swim, but with a group of 6 sixth
graders there was no time just to stop and look.
We also went to the Varsity and you will never guess who was there. TI!! Who is TI you ask? He is only the best rapper around right now!!! Don't worry I didn't know who he was either! That was the highlight of the trip for many of the kids though!
After lunch with a
celebrity, we went to the WORLD of COKE , which I have helped build. They should have a room named for me. I love coke!!! The kids wanted to try all 64 flavors of soda from around the world! Morgan did it and then did not feel so well. We did not get home until 7:15, but we had fun.
When we got back into town, Todd told me that his parents were on the way from
Dothan to bring Savannah a dress that his mother had been working on for a book report. Savannah was one of the American Girls, Molly. She was cute and the dress was perfect.
Last night, Jessica and I pulled on over on Alicia. Alicia and Ben's birthday are this week and since we are going to be gone and with the craziness of the holiday, we decided to have a little party for them now. We had it at
DJ's new house and we really surprised her. I think that Ben liked his cake the best!! HOT PINK!
Well, that brings us to today. Zach and Savannah have not been feeling well and Zach coughed all night and kept us up. I am hoping that they feel better by the time we leave for