The month of June has flown past and we are now in July! We have been busy looking for jobs for Todd! He has interviewed in Dothan and we are hopeful that he will be offered the job! It is for a 6th grade Science teacher at Honeysuckle Middle! I know that he will be a great teacher, he just needs someone to offer him a job so that he can prove it.
We have spent a lot of time in Dothan the last few weeks because of the application process of Dothan City Schools! While in Dothan, we worked on cutting the grass around Todd's parents house! It is funny how everyone is interested in yard work when a tractor is involved!
The kids love to just ride on the tractor!
We also celebrated Todd's 34th birthday while we were in Dothan. His parents took us to one of his favorite restaurants Blue Plate. I made him a strawberry cake.
We have also welcomed a new member to our family, because with 3 kids, 4 African Dwarf frogs, 2 dogs, and 21 chickens we didn't have enough to keep us busy! Georgia is such a sweet kitty! We got her from some friends of ours. She sleeps in the bed with Todd and I almost every night. She doesn't like to eat though! She is so funny because she would rather eat our food instead of her cat food. The first night that we had her, she at peas that we had gotten out of our garden. The next day, I opened a new can of cat food and placed it on a plate and a few of the leftover peas from the night before on another plate. I set the two plates side by side to see which she would choose and she went for the peas! Todd keeps saying when she gets hungry she will eat! I sure hope so!

Todd and I have been playing softball! He plays first and I play catcher. We are playing on a co-ed team her in Prattville. It has been fun! Our first game is Thursday night! We are excited and we hope that we do well.
We have been working in the garden and we have "put up" a lot of tomatoes, squash, and I have made pepper sauce. Normally we don't have enough peppers, but this year we have them coming our of our ears. The garden is just about finished and I think we are going to plant a fall garden this time. I NEVER plant enough beans or peas, so we have been having 'mixed beans!' They are good, but I would love to be able to put some fresh peas or butter beans in the freezer.
We went to my parent's house in Clanton last week and Zach made a comment about his loose teeth! My mom told us that there was a little boy on the new who pulled his tooth using a model rocket! I told Zach that I would go down to the firework stand and buy some fireworks to pull his teeth! After much conversation about it Rett finally talked him into it!
The bottle rockets that we tried didn't work after several attempts! So then, Zach decided that he would put tie the fishing string on the back of the car and let Todd drive off! Well, this worked on the first try! It grossed me out, but it worked! He is now without his two front teeth! The tooth fairy left him $5 for the two teeth that he lost!
We enjoyed the Fourth of July weekend with friends. On Saturday night we went to DJ and Eva's and meet her sister and her family who are from West Virgina. We had a good time, until the brand new bunk bed got broken, complements of my son! DJ and his brother-in-law got it fixed, but I still feel terrible! Absolutely terrible!
On Sunday night, we ate with Ben and Alicia and then rode in the back of the truck to watch Pratville's fireworks! It was a nice laid back evening, with nothing getting broke!
Well, I think that brings us to today and we are just hanging out around the house. Morgan has been in a cleaning mood, so she is cleaning my kitchen! She has even cleaned the walls! It is like the cleaning fairies have finally shown up! She is doing a great job!