Thursday, May 21, 2009

Summer 2009 Day 1

Today was basically the first day of summer vacation. Savannah is going to go to school tomorrow for half a day, so that she truly has perfect attendance, but all things considered I count today as the first day!

I had already decided that our summer days would start off by cleaning up. Whatever needed to be done....rooms straightened, laundry started, all chores need to be complete or close to complete. Then the kids will take turns doing flash cards, Zach and Savannah will do addition and subtraction and Morgan and Savannah will do multiplication. Then the kids will read to me one-two chapters of the book that they have chosen (maybe I can keep up with three different stories!) This is how we started off our day.

Since today was such a nice windy day, I decided to take the kids to Cooter's Pond and fly the kites that we bought last summer. We called some friends of our to see if they wanted to meet us and I called Ben to see if Landon wanted to go. We packed a lunch and headed out, hoping the rain would hold off!

OOPS, I got Savannah's kite stuck in a tree!!

Savannah flying her butterfly kite (see below)

I wonder what they are discussing!

I think that overall, we had a pretty good time. The kids were able to play in the open fields, fly or attempt to fly the kites,and play on the playground. Of course, according to my kids eating outside was one of the highlights of the day.

After we finished up at the park, we headed home and the kids went over and played at Landon's house. They even talked Ben into riding them on the four wheeler!
Zach went to Landon's ballgame with him and after dinner, Todd and I went outside and played baseball with the girls and Todd jumped on the trampoline with them. I am not sure what tomorrow holds for us. I am going to be keeping Andrew and getting the kids packed to go to spend the weekend with the Thayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that you guys got out and flew kites! We need to do that too- it has been SO windy here. We have one more week of school, so we are counting down the days until we can do some fun things like that.
Ya'll sound like you're off to a great start!
BTW, send me your address so I can mail those handouts to you. Stephanie and Kristi did a great job on their talks.