The pictures above are from a few things that we have done over the last few months. The kids went to my brother and sister-in-laws and spent the night with them. They had a great time. Todd and I went to the Auburn A-day game. There are a few pics of Zach playing ball.
Well, we have fianlly finished Spring semester and not a moment too soon. This semester seemed to be so much busier than normal. We are still waiting on grades, but I am so happy to say that I found out yesterday that I was accepted to the school of Education!! I am so excited and scared! I am going to be taking 18 credit hours in the fall! Several of my classes are easy classes, so I should be ok.
Well, enough about me. Morgan got to go on a field trip to the beach with the club that she is a member of at school. They were gone for 3 days and she had a wonderful time. She did come home sunburnt, but she had a great time and developed new friendships. I know that it is a trip that she will remember for a long time. She has also gotten her paper work for Junior High. I have been putting off filling it out, because I cannot believe that she is going to be in Jr. High. She is excited and nervous, but I think that she will be fine. Sometimes change is good and we have heard very good things about the Jr. High School.
Savannah is continuing her quest to have perfect attendance. So far so good, with only 2 weeks left. I am having a hard time believeing that she is about to be int he fourth grade. Little Savannah!!
Zachary, has been reading, reading, reading!! He is a reading machine. I cannot believe that my little first grader is reading on a 3rd grade level. He is doing really well in school. He is also doing well in baseball, despite not having a great coach. Over that last few weeks,he has hit his first homerun, hit 2 more homeruns and made a TRIPLE PLAY! He is loving baseball. He has given up playing catcher and has been playing 2nd baase. It is really a lot of fun to watch the boys play!
Todd, is now back to working FULL TIME!! He is so glad to be finished with school this semester. He had a class about teaching Reading and boy was it a lot of work.
We are both very happy it is over, but the fact that I still have to take it, is still looming in the background. We are waiting on his grades to post, but I am sure that he is going to do fine. He always does. We are both looking forward to summmer break. Well, that is pretty much the update on the Thayer Family.
1 comment:
You will do great in education! Don't you want to come and be a counselor at camp?! It would be great experience! I am joking! I know you have too much going on to even think about that. I will be looking for your girls though while we're there.
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