Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Business and a Picnic

Today, Todd and I had appointment at the Health Clinic at AUM, so Todd suggested that we pack a picnic and take the kids to the Splash Pad. I thought that was a wonderful idea. If we are going to go all the way to Montgomery, we might as well make it worth our while.

Todd needed a new TB test for the new school year, since he is going to be working at the CDC, and I needed a re-check for my medicine. We also went and got our books and Todd picked up some of his notebooks from last semester.

Afterwards, we took the kids to the splash pad. (Mrs. Pam, DO NOT LOOK ANY FARTHER!) The kids went into the bathroom to change clothes and they came running out, yelling, "SNAKE!!" Todd went and checked and there was a baby snake in the women's bathroom.

The park people came and took care of the snake and interesting enough, Montgomery has a policy not to kill any animals, but to release them back into their environment. To me the only good snake is a dead snake!!

The kids enjoyed their time playing and especially enjoyed it when Todd accidentally got wet.

Todd being laid off has been really hard for us finacially, but we have really enjoyed being able to spend some extra time with him this summer. I think that he has realized that being a stay-at-home Dad is not everything he thought it was going to be.

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