Look at the stuff that I got at
Publix for $17.12, when my actual total was $41.27!! I am so excited! I have been doing research on using coupons and how to shop and buy the things that we need for less!! Today we need a few things and I gathered the coupons that I have been saving and we headed out! For those of you who don't know,
Publix will take other store's coupons as long as they sell that product.
Vendor Coupons $4.10
Store Coupons $20.00
Advertised Special Savings $11.92
Advantage Buy Savings $4.34
TOTAL SAVINGS $40.36This is really exciting to me. I can't wait to go shopping next week and to see how well I do!! Todd was really proud too!
I LOVE it! I felt a bit like a nerd when I posted on facebook that one of my hobbies was coupon clipping... but it really is! I guess you're a nerd too! LOL!
Great job!
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