Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sometimes You Don't Want to be the Chosen One

We were informed Monday that Todd's work was going to laying off up to 8 people. I have tried to put it out of my mind and not let the worry and concern consume me. I did an OK job at it, but yesterday afternoon was another story.

The news that we did not want to hear was given to Todd. He had been laid off! On his birthday! His employer has been very nice and sympathetic about the situation.
Todd has been very positive about everything, but I think that is because he knows that I am a worrier, since the reason that I am up at 4:00 in the morning!

Todd was going to actually have to quit before school started back anyway, because he has to work at the Child Development Center at the school for one of his classes. He was going to quit after he got his student loan refund, however!!

The great thing is that we have several friends that have connections that maybe able to get Todd and job (fingers crossed.)

The girls are going to camp this next week and are super excited about that! I am not so excited about the drive to camp, but it will be OK!

The next week, after the girls get home, we are planning on going to the beach with the Goffs and Warners! We have been planning this trip for a year! We have all chipped in for a cottage at the State Park! We may have to ax some of the things that we had planned to do while down there and just enjoy the beach! Not exactly as we had planned, but that is life, right. If we had not already paid for part of the cottage, we probably would not go, but we also have made a commitment with two other families! This maybe the cheapest vacation that we have ever taken.

Oh well, I guess that I have gotten somethings off my chest, maybe I will be able to take a nap this afternoon. Todd will be home after all!!

I will try to post later about Todd's birthday and what we have been up to the past week.

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