Saturday, June 20, 2009

First Walgreens Trip

Thanks to my sister-in-law, Jennifer, who mailed me the coupons that I was unable to print I was able to save a ton of money at Walgreens today!

The Walgreens in Prattville did not let me do what I was supposed to do, but I still got a good deal. The Walgreens in Millbrook did let me use all the coupons even though the coupon was for more than the item actually cost. At the Walgreens in Prattville, I still got three roll-ons for $1.22! Not Bad!!
They were out of the deodorant that was on sale so they subbed the roll-on that I had coupons for! I got 7 deodorants, 2 bottles of sunlight, and 2 disposable camera (the girls need them for camp for $10. That was going to 2 Walgreens. I am very excited about my deal. I just hope that we like the roll-on!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE it!! Feels good, doesn't it??!!!