Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just Another Day!

Well, today was just another day. Nothing special happened other than I finally got a new washer and dryer! I wonder where my life has gone when the highlight of my week is getting a washer and dryer. Oh well, I am so glad to have them!

The kids and I ran some errands today and that is about it. We have just been hanging out at home trying to beat the heat. I also spend most of my time trying to convince them that we should use kind words with each other!

I did manage to watch Jon and Kate Plus Eight (I always DVR it because Todd does not like it!)

Oh about posting the pictures from floating in Florida.....there will be none. I had a hard time getting the film to rewind in the camera that we used (a disposable water-proof) so I told the girl at Target. Well long story short, the film was exposed by someone at Target. I found that out after going to 2 other places (one that got the film out and developed the negatives, but could not develop the pictures and one that could develop the pics.) This makes me so very grateful for my digital camera!

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