First to update you on our dog, Minnie. I went to pick her up from the vet and they were not sure what was wrong with her. They game me three medicines to give her for the next week or so. She seems fine now. She is back to staying under my feet and eating. I am glad, but I hope that we don't have anymore problems because I couldn't afford it. It was supposed to between $150-200, but when I went to pay it was $481. FOR A DOG!! The vet bill cost more than the dog did when we got her. Oh well, I can promise you we will be keeping her forever!
On Friday, we headed to Gulf Shores to catch up with Ben and Alicia (they had been there all week!) I loaded the Tahoe and we all piled in (DJ too!) and headed down. We did run through a little rain on the way, but when we got to our campsite all was well. We set up the tent (always a rough time for us, but we made it through without filing for divorce!) and went to the RV park where the Goff's were staying. Ben and Alicia had fixed a low boil! Everything was so GOOD ! The kids were supposed to eat hamburgers (we figured they would not like the shrimp cooked that way, but after Zach, Landon, and Morgan tried the shrimp they didn't want their burgers! Who knew that my kids would like boiled shrimp! Well, after we ate we went to the campground pool for a while and then we headed back to the campsite to pump up the air mattresses and try to cool off (Todd had to get up early the next morning because the guys were going deep sea fishing!) Well, we were having a hard time cooling off, so Todd ran to Wal-Mart to get another fan! This helped because now there were fans on both sides of the tent! Next time we are taking the window unit from the laundry room.
Well the next morning Todd got up to go fishing and the kids and I were going to go to the beach and hang out with Alicia, Landon, and Andrew. First the kids and I did some laundry and got some breakfast then we headed over to the RV campground! After we lotioned up with sunblock we headed to the beach! This would be the first time my kids have been to the beach when they could play in the water! THEY HATED THE SAND! I think that they spent more time going to the shower to rinse off than they did playing! I do think that they had a good time.
After we left the beach, we went back over to the trailer to wait for the guys to come back. Todd had been deep sea fishing before and got real sick and spent most of the trip sleeping. We had hoped that this trip would be different, and it was a little bit, but he did get sick! He had a great time. I think that he said that he caught four fish. DJ and Ben caught a little more, but that is because Todd was feeding them. I am glad that the guys got to go! We had planned to go on a dolphin cruise, but they were all booked up because the Blue Angels were preforming in Pensacola. Plus the guys got back about 2 hours later than what was planned because there were storms in the area. Well, after they got back and we all got cleaned up we headed out for dinner. We had planned to go to Lulu's but they were not taking names anymore and the wait was 3 hours! We went to Live Bait instead. The food wad great, but the service was AWFUL!! We had also wanted to take the kids to look for crabs, but the rain kept us from doing so. So went to all the little shops, killing time! You can see below how much fun we had!! Luckily for us , our tent did great with the rain!
They next morning, we had to pack up and get ready to go. We got our stuff packed up and then went to Surf Style to get Zach a shark tooth necklace and then over to help Ben and Alicia pack up. They were about done when we got their (DJ had stayed with them on the couch bed because of his back (he was in a real bad car accident a year ago!) We helped them and then decided to try Lulu's again. We got their at 10:30 and they opened at 11:00. We had a good time! 

We had a great time with our good friends over the weekend and can't wait to do it again!
We even had a great time on the way home, but that is another story for another time!!
We had so much fun that we all enjoyed a post seafood dinner after we got back to Prattville!I will post pics of the deep sea fishing trip later. Todd didn't take that many since he was so sick!
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