Friday, June 20, 2008

fixed repost

OK! For those of you who saw these same pics yesterday, so are not crazy, they were originally posted yesterday. However, for those of you who know me well, you know that since the pictures and the captions did not line up, I could not deal with it! I had to fix them. I don't like things that are not straight or out of order!
The week has finally come to a close and I don't really have anything new to report! We have baby-sat all week, so we have stuck around the house doing a lot of nothing!
Thanks so much for all your prayers for my friend, Becky's baby! I have good news to report.....she came home today!! I am so excited for them!
Well, have a good weekend!
Oh, by the way, I would love to know who is reading this so if you have a minute leave me a quick comment!
Aren't they sweet!!Morgan and my little brother Rett!
My kids and some of their friends at the movies!
Zachary with a mohawk! His idea!
My nerdy "little" brother! He is so cute!
Savannah at my parent's pool!
Zach jumping off the diving board!
Savannah jumping!
Morgan jumping!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Hey vaughn
I read your blog everytime you update it and it is really good I enjoy reading it. I was thinking about doing one but I have know idea what i would write about