Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Just Tuesday!

The kids wanted to spend the night with their Uncle Loren and Aunt Jennifer, so they have been gone since about 6:00 last night. Yesterday, we recovered from the "weekend of dirt." I cleaned and did laundry all day, while the kids helped some, but basically entertained themselves. Nothing interesting happened, just basically a normal boring day!

A word about my my brother Loren and his wife Jennifer. We found out last Wednesday that she is PREGNANT!!!! They have been trying for a while now and Jennifer has had several surgeries! I am so thankful that they are finally going to be parents! I am sad however, that they are moving to Birmingham!

Well, all of that brings me to my post for today. For my entire life, I have wanted to have children. I had no problems. I had three kids, but I am not the kind of mother that I always thought that I would be. I am not making excuses by any means, but having a pre-teen is so hard! I don't know how to parent her without breaking her spirirt or hurting her feelings. I know that some of the problem is that she is here under me ALL THE TIME, and since we are homeschooling her, she has lost contact with her friends from school (that is not a bad thing!) I just don't want homeschooling her to hurt her more than help her. She does need friends! Her education is important, but so is her socialization.

Sometimes, no, most of the time, I worry if she is going to grow up and hate me. I know that we are hard on her, but I want her to grow up to be a good person. I do really love her! I love all of my children. I just want to be a better Mom to them. I want them to grow up and love the Lord and be good people. I want my girls to grow up and be Godly women and good mothers. I want my son to be the leader of his family.

Well, enough of my sob story. I know what I need to do because I was raised to know how to be a Godly woman, I had several examples. Please pray for me and my famly that I can raise them the way that I should.

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