Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a busy day!

We have so much to do today that I woke up at 4:15. I just had too much on my mind. Oh well, we have to get everyone packed for the weekend, plus get Morgan packed for the week. We are going this afternoon to Target to pick up all of the stuff that she needs. She is so excited. I hope that I can make it to this afternoon, I am already so tired.

We are going to be going to Dothan tomorrow and staying with Todd's parents. Saturday morning, Todd, Morgan, and I will get up and go down to Tampa. Todd has a friend that he grew up with in Germany that is living down there. They have reconnected and want to get together. So we will be going there Saturday morning to hang out with Josh and his family. Sunday after church we will head back up to the camp and drop Morgan off, then head back to Dothan to get the other two kids so we can go home. WOW!! What a busy weekend we are going to have.

Well, I guess that I should go get busy, the work will not get down on its own.

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