Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wonderings on Wednesday

I wonder if Todd will ever finish school.
I wonder if I will ever finish school.
I wonder if homeschooling is really helping Morgan.
I wonder if we will ever save money.
I wonder what kind of adults my children will grow up to be.
I wonder if we will ever be able to afford to go totally organic.
I wonder if gas prices will ever go down.
I wonder if I will have a niece or nephew.
I wonder what teacher my kids will have next year.
I wonder if they will ever come and fix my dryer. It is under warranty!!
I wonder when my kids will stop fussing with each other.
I wonder when my garden is going to start yielding veggies.
I wonder what grades we will teach.
I wonder what colleges my children will go to.
I wonder what kind of jobs they will have.
I wonder if our dog is pregnant. (If she is we will have Basset Hound pups for sale)

Well, I guess I have a lot on my mind this morning.

The kids are wanting to go to the Y and swim today (they have the neatest pool), but I don't know that I really want to go. It is always so crowded. We will probably end up going anyway after we have school. I really do hate that we are doing school with Morgan during the summer. I think back though, to all the days that she had off because I was on a field trip or working, I really don't feel that bad. It only takes us about an hour and a half or so anyway, so it is not that bad.

You might be wondering about my organic wondering. We try to eat at least one organic meal a week. We haven't in a while, but we do try! I do ALWAYS buy organic milk! We also like the organic lemonade from Winn-Dixie (it has a lot of sugar in it though.) We are getting a Publix here in Prattville, so organic foods will be more available when they open. I will be glad when the prices go down a little. I know in places more North where orgqnic food is more common so the prices are not as expensive as they are here.

There is an all organic store in Mountain Brook that I am dying to go to, but it is an hour away, so can I justify driving 2 hours just to buy groceries? I hope to go one day and I hope that the prices will be a little lower!

We have not started recycling yet, the kids are dying to. We do use shopping bags when we do our shopping! I love it!! I can fit more into the the bags that I have and they are much stronger! I got most of my bags at Publix, months ago, for .99! I also have some Winn-Dixie bags that I got for free for just buying certain things that we buy anyway! I also use natural dish soap and the Clorox naturals cleaning products. I know that these are little things, but you have to start somewhere.

We do not buy paper plates anymore or napkins. We use regular plates and we use cloth napkins. I miss paper plates!!

We are not nuts about it all. We are just trying to do our part to be green and save some green.

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