Monday, June 2, 2008

Menu Monday

I guess that my creative side has vanished (if I ever had one) because I am just copying the title from someone elses blog. Well, anyway for those of you who have nothing else to do, here is what the Thayer family will be eating over the next week.

Homemade Chicken Cordon Bleu
corn bread

Cube Steak
green beans

Baked Chicken

Lima beans

Chicken Fried Rice

pasta salad
pineapple casserole

If someone out there has some dinner ideas let me know! It seems like we eat the same old stuff all the time. Savannah is such a picky eater that when I find something that she will eat I just fix it week after week.

Our weekend was DIRTY!! I finally got our garden planted. I know it is late, but we could never find the time to get it in the ground. (We grew our plants from seed in a little tray!) I know that there are some people getting veggies out of their gardens. Oh well, I have fresh veggies soon!

Todd and our neighbor Ben moved dirt from his yard to ours. We are trying to level the ground for our "new-to-us" pool. Todd's parents did not want their 27x27 pool any more so we told them that we would gladly take it since it was bigger than the pool that we had, plus that one was not going to make it another year.

We had some interesting events that came along with moving dirt. The boys, not thinking they could load the dirt in the back of the truck, got tired of using the wheel barrels to haul the dirt, thought that using a trailor would be easier. Todd called my brother to borrow his trailer. After loading the trailer all afternoon, the time came to bring the trailer in our back yard. Well LONG story short the trailor got stuck and we ended up having to pull it out backwards with my Tahoe and Todd, bless his heart, still had to use the wheel barrel. A tire on the trailer got caught on a bolt that was on our gate and popped, so I have to go and get a new tire today! ALL FOR SOME DIRT. We will enjoy the pool though, if we ever get it up. Todd said that he did not care if it was enough dirt or not, he would not be shoveling another scoop of dirt.

Needless to say, I have dirt tracked all through me house and on the back porch, so there will be no fun today , just cleaning and school with Morgan.

Well, that was the weekend at the Thayer's house. If you need some dirt, I know where you can get some, but you are going to have to shovel it yourself!!

1 comment:

becky said...

i would kill for my kiddos to eat that good. i have 2 of the pickiest eaters known to man. unfortunately for them, the gig is up in a couple of weeks when i'm on my feet after the baby gets here!! we allllll gotta eat better. for some ideas, look under the label "recipe" or menu on the right side of my page. i have one listed that has like 30 meal ideas.